It is an object of the present invention to provide a methodof adjusting productivity of enzymes, in particular, amylolyticenzymes, plant fiber degradation enzymes and proteolytic enzymesin a filamentous fungus culture product, by controlling releasingrate of nutrients from the culture raw material into the culturesystem when a filamentous fungus culture product is produced byculturing filamentous fungi in liquid medium containing as theculture raw material at least one selected from the groupconsisting of cereals, beans, tubers, amaranthus and quinoa. Thepresent invention provides a method of producing filamentousfungus culture product by using liquid medium containing asculture raw material at least one selected from the groupconsisting of cereals, beans, tubers, amaranthus and quinoacomprising, culturing filamentous fungi while releasing rate ofnutrients from the culture raw material into the culture systemis controlled to adjust productivity of enzymes in thefilamentous fungus culture product.