Referring to an oil emulsion comprising Water and Oil paraffin oil with a temperature of between 200\ufffdc and 450\ufffdc. Also includes Surface Active agents, where the relation of the total concentrations of surfactants are introduced and the Oil varies from 0.1 to 5: 100: 100. The Emulsion is useful in treating acaricide, insecticide and Fungicide stems and leavesREFERIDA A UNA EMULSION DE ACEITE QUE COMPRENDE AGUA Y ACEITE PARAFINICO DERIVADO DE PETROLEO CON UNA TEMPERATURA DE ENTRE 200�C Y 450�C. TAMBIEN COMPRENDE AGENTES TENSOACTIVOS, DONDE LA REALCION DE CONCENTRACIONES DE LA TOTALIDAD DE TENSIOACTIVOS INTRODUCIDOS Y DEL ACEITE VARIA DE 0,1:100 A 5:100. DICHA EMULSION ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO ACARICIDA, INSECTICIDA Y FUNGICIDA DE TALLOS Y HOJAS