1. A system (14) X-ray computed tomography, comprising: a gantry (15) which moves in different orientations and generates X-ray data, which include the projection image data in a plurality of orientations, the plurality of elements (18) connected with the gantry, which cause X-ray attenuation data generated by the projection, and a plurality of elements includes an x-ray source (2), an X-ray filter (4), the shutter / collimator (6), X-ray detector (8) and antiscatter grid (10), one or more processors (2 8) programmed to: receive (60) formed by the X-ray data, to sort (62) the received image data on the projection directions relative positions of the plurality of elements at different orientations gentri.2. . (14) The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more processors is further programmed to: receive (60) X-ray data that include the subject image projection data and correspond to a plurality of orientations adjust (64) the data of the subject image projection in each orientation with appropriate corrections for the measured attenuation on the basis of the relative positions of elements in each orientation reconstructing (66) the corrected projection data of the subject image in 3D-representation pICTURE niya.3. System (14) according to any one of claims 1 and 2, wherein the X-ray data formed include measurement of attenuation caused visualized subject and measuring the attenuation caused by the elements, and measuring the attenuation caused by elements with orientations vary gentri.4. System (14) according to any one of claims 1 and 2, further comprising1. Система (14) рентгеновской компьютерной томографии, содержащая:гентри (15), который перемещается в различные ориентации и формирует рентгеновские данные, которые включают в себя данные проекции изображения во множестве ориентациймножество элементов (18), соединенных с гентри, которые вызывают рентгеновское затухание формируемых данных проекции, и множество элементов включает в себя рентгеновский источник (2), р