The present invention starts in order to find a frozen jerky processing method, capable of shortening the time for heat treatment, improving the productivity, and further improving the flavor of a product, when processing a jerky as a product produced by introducing an oven baking process instead of a drying process, unlike the general jerky. According to the existing method, the jerky has a circulation period of about three months, and the semi-dried jerky has a shortened circulation period. Thus, in order to extend the circulation period, a preserve or the like is used or a sterilization process is introduced. However, according to the method for producing a frozen jerky of the present invention, the circulation period can be extended by introducing an oven process in which the central temperature of the product is maintained at 65°;C or higher under a set temperature of between 120°;C to 250°;C, and introducing a refrigeration process in which the central temperature of the processed product is maintained at - 5°;C or lower. According to the present invention, the oven process is immediately followed by the refrigeration process, thereby providing a jerky taste having an excellent flavor and an un-dried and smooth taste. The jerky produced according to the present invention has a water content of 30-45%, which is measured based on the loss of drying notified in Korean Food Standards Codex. [Reference numerals] (AA) Source meat; (BB) Pulverizing; (CC) Mixing <;Salting>;; (DD) Aging; (EE) Filling; (FF) First freezing; (GG) Slice cutting; (HH) Oven; (II) Second freezing; (JJ) Packaging; (KK) Freeze-storing본원은 일반 육포와 같이 건조시키는 공정 대신 오븐에서 굽는 공정을 도입하여 제공되는 제품으로 육포를 가공함에 있어 열처리 시간이 짧아지고 생산성이 높아짐은 물론이고 제품의 풍미가 더욱 향상되는 냉동육포 가공방법을 찾고자 하는 과제를 갖고 시작된 발명이다. 본원은 기존의 공정으로 제공되는 육포는 유통기한이 3달 정도이거나 반건조 육포의 경우 더욱 유통기한이 짧아서 유통기한을 늘리기 위해 보존료 등을 사용하거나 살균공정을 도입하는데 반하여, 본원에서는 120℃ 내지 250℃사이의 설정온도에서 중심 품온 65℃ 이상을 유지하는 오븐공정을 도입하고, 가공품의 중심 품온이 -5℃ 이하가 유지되도록 하는 냉동공정을 도입하여 유