The present invention provides a nursing mattress, which includes a mattress formed with at least one groove, a bracket arranged with a guiding rail, a container positionable in the groove of the mattress, and at least one movable seat cushion positionable into the groove of the mattress. When the container is covered with a cleaning bag and arranged in the groove of the mattress, the container allows a bedridden patient to directly defecate, such that a care staff needs only to take out the container to clean.一種護理床墊,係包括至少一個設有凹槽之床墊,一設有導軌之托架,一可置入床墊凹槽之容器及至少一個可置入床墊凹槽之活動座墊。當容器套上清潔袋裝設於床墊的凹槽時,可讓失能臥床的病患直接排便,而後照護人員只需將容器取出清潔。