The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing lotus root chips and lotus root chips manufactured by the same, and the purpose of the present invention is to manufacture lotus root chips having favorable color, shape, and taste by cutting lotus roots into a predetermined thickness, followed by parboiling, coating with a glutinous rice paste, drying, aging for a predetermined time, and frying with vegetable oil. The manufacturing method of the present invention comprises the steps of: (a) performing a pretreatment by washing and peeling lotus roots (b) cutting the lotus roots, which have been peeled through step (a), into slices with a thickness of 1-5 mm (c) immersing the lotus root slices, which have been cut through step (b), in cool water for a predetermined time (d) parboiling the lotus root slices, which have been immersed in cool water through step (c), in boiling water for 3-10 seconds (e) placing the lotus root slices, which have been parboiled in boiling water through step (d), in a colander to drain (f) putting the lotus root slices, which have been drained through step (e), in a glutinous rice paste obtained by boiling a glutinous rice powder to coat the lotus root slices with the glutinous rice paste (g) drying the lotus root slices, which have been coated with the glutinous rice paste, using a flat panel at a temperature of 40-60°C for 12-24 hours (h) aging the lotus root slices, which have been dried through step (g) and (i) frying the lotus root slices, which have been aged through step (h), at a temperature of 180-220°C for 5-10 seconds.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015본 발명은 연근칩 제조방법 및 이의 제조방법에 의해 제조된 연근칩에 관한 것으로, 연근을 일정 두께로 세절하여 데친 후 찹쌀풀을 입혀 건조시킨 상태에서 일정 시간동안의 숙성기간을 거쳐 식물성 기름으로 튀겨냄으로써 색택과 모양 및 식감이 보다 양호한 연근칩을 제조할 수 있도록 함에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 구성되는 본 발명은 (a) 연근을 수세하여 외피를 박피하는 전처리하는 단계 (b) 단계(a) 과정을 통해 박피된 연근을 슬라이스로 1∼5mm의 두께로 세절하는 단계 (c) 단계(b) 과정을 통해 세절된 연근 슬라이스를 냉수에 일정 시간동안 침지시키는 단계 (d) 단계(c) 과정을 통해 냉수에 침지된 연근 슬라이스를 끓는 물에 3∼10초동안 데치는 단계 (e) 단계(d) 과