The present invention provides a manufacturing method of an eco-friendly fusion fermenting liquid deodorant which is prepared by fusing and fermenting aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria to repeat a cycle of fermentation, decomposition and synthesis and thus, has an excellent ability to remove bad smell materials to increase a deodorizing efficiency, is eco-friendly to have no influence on animals and ecosystems, and has no secondary contamination to have no influence on plants or soil. The manufacturing method comprises: a step (a) of mixing Bifidobacterium sp. anaerobic bacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and diluting the same in water to mix an anaerobic bacteria material; a step (a′) of mixing Lactobacillus sp. and/or Enterococcus sp. aerobic bacteria with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacillus bacteria, and diluting the same in water to mix an aerobic bacteria material; a step (b) of injecting molasses into the anaerobic bacteria material; a step (b′) of injecting molasses into the aerobic bacteria material; a step (c) of primarily aging the mixed anaerobic bacteria material while being in a closed state; a step (c′) of primarily aging the mixed aerobic bacteria material while being in a closed state; a step (d) of injecting air of a first air amount to the mixed anaerobic bacteria material and fermenting the same to manufacture a first anaerobic bacteria culture solution; a step (d′) of injecting air of a second air amount to the mixed aerobic bacteria material and fermenting the same to manufacture a first aerobic bacteria culture solution; and a step (j) of mixing the first anaerobic bacteria culture solution with the first aerobic bacteria culture solution.본 발명은, 호기성균과 혐기성균을 융합 발효시켜 발효, 분해, 합성의 사이클을 반복함으로써 악취물질 제거 능력이 우수하여 탈취 효율이 증대되고, 친환경적이어서 인체나 동물 및 생태계에 미치는 영향이 없고 2차 오염이 발생하지 않아 식물이나 토양에 미치는 영향이 없는 친환경 융합 발효 액상 탈취제의 제조방법을 제공하되, (a) '비피더박테리움-속' 혐기성균과 '사카로마이세스 세르비아제'를 배합하고 배합된 원료를 물에 희석하여 혐기성균 원료를 배합하는 단계; (a') '락토바실러스-속' 및/또는 '엔테로코커스-속'의 호기성균과 '사카로마