The invention discloses a chicken cage structure, which is applied to various chicken cages through one of the chicken cage structures.The chicken cage structure is a very cheap and easy to obtain component, which can be completed without special materials, assembly or simple manual work. Therefore, the chicken cage structure has the advantages of low cost and easy assembly.Moreover, because it can be easily detached and reused, users can also clean and reuse it in case of replacement or soiling without discarding it, so it is in line with the concept of environmental protection.本新型揭露一種養雞籠結構,透過本發明之一種養雞籠結構應用於各式各樣養雞籠。本創作之養雞籠結構係為非常便宜又容易取得的組件,既不需特別材料,組裝上也僅需簡單的手工即可完成,因此該養雞籠結構整體更有成本低廉、組裝容易的優點。再者,由於可輕鬆地拆離並重覆使用,因此若有更換或弄髒的情況時,使用者也可將其清洗後再使用,而無需丟棄,因此符合環保概念。