A system (100) of aseptic handling, comprising: a chamber (10) of aseptic handling, whose interior is maintained in an aseptic condition and a chamber (30) disposed inside decontamination chamber side (10) of aseptic handling where a decontamination means is supplied from a supply device decontamination gas to the chamber (30) decontamination in order to remove adhering to an object (M) introduced into the chamber (10) of aseptic handling microbes from exterior thereof characterized in that the chamber (30) decontamination has a first chamber (31) operation provided with a portion (36) closable inlet, a second chamber (32) operating connected to the first chamber (31) operating and provided with a portion (40) output closable portion (38) of communication between the first chamber (31) and the second chamber (32) and is capable of closing, a mechanism (37) closure the inlet portion to close the portion (36) input, a mechanism (41) for closing the outlet portion for closing the portion (40) output, and a mechanism (39) for closing the communication portion for closing the portion (38) of communication the system (100) of aseptic manipulation further comprising: a first mechanism (51, 53, 85, 95) ventilation ventilates the inside of the first chamber (31) operation a second mechanism (52, 54, 88, 98) ventilation ventilates the inside of the second chamber (32) operation a unit (120) control which monitors the states of the opening-closing mechanism (37) for closing the inlet portion, the mechanism (41) for closing the outlet portion, and the mechanism (39) closure the communication portion, the control unit (120) control the operations of the first mechanism (51, 53, 85, 95) and the second ventilation mechanism (52, 54, 88, 98) for ventilation the unit (120) control that ventilates the inside of the first chamber (31) operating with the first mechanism (51, 53, 85, 95) ventilation over a specified number of times so that the interior of the first chamber (31) of opera