An implantable single unit devise is comprised of a hydraulically activatedextendable cavemosal component and a manually controlled fluid transfer systemcomposed of a pump Flow from the pump is directed by a one way valveinterposed between abypass from an included elastic reservoir, the pump and a second one way valveinterposedbetween the pump and the cavemosal unit A manually controlled release valve,interposedbetween the outlet of the cavemosal unit and the reservoir, permits de-activation of thecavemosal unit and returns fluid to the reservoir These components are housedby a moldedtailpiece which stabilizes the device against the symphysis pubis, positionsthe cavemosalimplant properly within the shaft of the penis and presents the controls foreasy access Anaccess port permits adjustment of the fluid volume The unit is used as atissue expander andpenile reconstructer for congenital or traumatic deformities.