FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: method involves selection and preliminary preparation of ingredients. The following ingredients are taken in wt: treacle 55.18-57.30, fruit and berry puree 15.10-18.50, gelatin 12.00-14.00, isomalt 13.08-13.80, citric acid 0.50, flavourings 0.02, and water. Isomalt is dissolved in water with constant stirring and heating in a digester to a temperature of 105-110°C. Gelatin is pre-soaked in 2-fold amount of water for swelling for 1 hour and dissolved in water at a temperature of 60-65°C. Before the first stage of boiling, 12.08 - 14.8 wt of fruit and berry puree are introduced into the digester with the dissolved isomalt. Then the first stage of boiling is carried out, while heating the fruit and berry puree with isomalt to a temperature of 112-115°C. At the second stage of boiling, treacle with a temperature of 60-65°C and the rest of the fruit and berry puree are introduced. The mixture is boiled out at the heating steam pressure of 0.3±0.1 MPa to a content of dry substances of 86-88%. After that, the boiled-out mass is loaded into a tempering machine for cooling to a temperature of 75-80°C. Gelatin solution with a temperature of 60-65°C, citric acid, and flavourings are introduced and mixed, bodies are moulded and sent to glossing and packaging.EFFECT: allows to obtain twenty percent of reducing substances in the finished product, to prevent crystallization and to preserve amorphous structure during long storage of jelly marmalade.2 exИзобретение относится к производству сахаристых кондитерских изделий. Способ производства желейного мармелада предусматривает подбор и предварительную подготовку ингредиентов. Берут следующие ингредиенты в мас.ч.: патоку 55,18-57,30, фруктово-ягодное пюре 15,10-18,50, желатин 12,00-14,00, изомальт 13,08-13,80, кислоту лимонную 0,50, ароматизирующие вещества 0,02 и воду. Изомальт растворяют в воде при постоянном перемешивании и нагревании в варочном котле до температуры 105-110°С. Желатин предварительно