Neck treatment devices for treating the neck of a person includes a multitude of neck treatment elements located on either side of the device for treating the neck of a person to relieve the pain, joint stiffness, muscle tightness, muscle tension, and headaches of the person when lying supine on the device or when sitting on a chair depending upon the form of the device. One form of the device 2 comprises depthwise front to back treatment elements 6 with multiple extending ridges 10a, 10b, 12a, 12b, 14a, and 14b located in spaced apart side by side relationship extending substantially in parallel from, at or towards the front edge 16 of treatment element 6 to the back edge 18 of treatment element 6 with a relatively gentle sloping curve in their front 16 portion and a more pronounced curve in their back 18 portion for providing less or more pressure to the cervical (neck) facet joints respectively when lying on the device supine. The multiple ridges 10a, 10b, 12a, 12b, 14a, and 14b on the treatment elements are arranged concavely in front view to uniformly match the convex shape of the head and neck, and arranged to extend outwardly in profile from the device 2, treatment element portion or chair to an extent to direct therapeutic forces directly onto the cervical (neck) facet joints and neck muscles of a person using the device to mobilise the facet joints and massage the muscles of the neck of the user replicating treatment provided by a physical therapist by relieving pain, reducing joint stiffness, muscle tightness and tension, to the neck of a person and also relieve neck-related headaches.