Be engrafted into the middle ear bone surface, to obtain an alternative to suppress the middle ear membrane developments such as bone augmentation or hyperplasia, of fibroblasts in the granulation tissue of the middle ear cavity. In cell culture on a support was coated on the surface of the polymer hydration force changes in the temperature range of 0~80 ℃ nasal mucosal epithelial cells, etc., and culture the middle ear mucosa-like cells in a temperature range hydration force of the polymer is weak By recovering the sheet by the, then changing the temperature at which the state hydration force of the polymer is forced into the culture solution, obtaining a middle ear mucosal-like cell sheet, which holds the cilia on the surface layer.中耳骨表面に生着し、中耳腔内の肉芽組織の増生や骨増生、線維芽細胞の進展等を抑制する中耳腔粘膜の代替物を得ること。鼻粘膜上皮細胞等を0~80℃の温度範囲で水和力が変化するポリマーを表面に被覆した細胞培養支持体上で、ポリマーの水和力が弱い温度域で中耳粘膜様細胞を培養し、その後、培養液をポリマーの水和力が強い状態となる温度に変化させることでシート状に回収することで、表層に繊毛を保持した中耳粘膜様細胞シートを得ること。