The invention relates to a water-soluble, anhydrous (- less than 2% water) shaving preparation providing transparent, non foaming, high lubricity and packaging solution. The preparation of the invention is suitable for washing the hair of electric shavers (shavers, lawn mowers) (therefore, for the reasons of safety and practicability, it is operated on the battery).Avoid skin irritation by providing proper skin lubrication during shaving, which is produced by the support and cutting head. After the shaving is completed and the skin is washed with water, the preparation can still provide skin conditioning for the post shaving effect without the need to provide products ("softening, hydration, cleaning, conditioner, astringent, anti-inflammatory agent and odorant"). The wettability of the aqueous solution of the preparationAllows immediate cleaning of the device's shaving head. In order to meet the good shaving conditions with an electric shaving device, the preparation is distributed on the face or shaving parts after a large amount of wetting (200-600 mg). After shaving, there is no need to repair, and the epidermis is softened and hydrated,cool and refreshing Considering the small amount of packaging required, the packaging may be small, which is certainly interesting during travel and vacation. For users of electric shaver devices, the preparation also has the ability to be used with manual shaver devices ("mechanical shavers").La présente invention est une préparation pour le rasage, hydrosoluble, anhydre (moins de 2% d'eau) donnant des solutions transparentes, non moussantes à fort caractère lubrifiant et conditionnant. Cette préparation est faite pour être utilisée avec un dispositif de rasage électrique (rasoir, tondeuse) à tête lavable (partant, fonctionnant sur batterie d'accumulateurs électrique pour des raisons de sécurité et de praticité), en apportant, pendant le rasage la lubrification adéquate de l'épiderme pour éviter les irritations de l'épiderme, cr