PURPOSE: A producing method of fermented soybean paste containing jujube is provided to use black bean, Helianthus tuberosus, Polygonatum odoratum, and the jujube. CONSTITUTION: A producing method of fermented soybean paste containing jujube comprises the following steps: soaking black bean in bedrock groundwater; extracting dried jujube in water with the onion skin by boiling to obtain a jujube extract; boiling the water soaked black bean, nthus tuberosus, and the jujube extract for 2 hours, and settling the mixture for 4 hours; pounding the mixture, and molding the mixture into blocks; drying the blocks for 3-4 days, firstly fermenting the blocks after hanging on a rice string, and secondly fermenting the blocks in a yellow soil room; thirdly fermenting the blocks for 10 days, and washing and drying the blocks to obtain fermented black bean blocks; mixing bedrock groundwater, salt, and the fermented black bean blocks to obtain soy sauce; separating the fermented black bean blocks from the soy sauce after 40-5- days, and mixing with a black bean mixture containing Polygonatum odoratum, fermented black bean block powder, and other ingredients.본 발명은 대추추출물을 이용하여, 서리태콩을 삶은 다음, 삶은 콩과 돼지감자로 메주를 제조한 후에, 메주를 이용하여 간장을 제조한 다음, 분리된 메주에 서리태콩과 둥글레를 가열한 추출물과, 서리테메주가루, 고추씨, 뽕잎가루, 해바라기씨가루를 혼합하여 간장으로 간을 맞추어 제조된 대추 된장의 제조방법에 관한 것이다.