There is described a micro aerated choco-material havinga plastic viscosity before aeration as measured according to ICAmethod 46 (2000) of from 0.1 to 20 Pa.s, where:(i) the composition hasdispersed therein bubbles of an inert gas, the dispersed bubbles beingcharacterised by the following parameters (a) mean bubble size lessthan or equal to 100 microns, (b) standard derivation of bubble sizeless than or equal to 60 microns; (c) a total bubble surface area of from0.5 to 1.2 m2 per 100g of the aerated choco-material; where parameters(a) and (b) are determined from X-ray tomography and/or confocallaser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and (ii) the gas bubbles arehomogenously distributed within the aerated choco-material, having ahomogeneity index of at least 0.8.