Procedure, device and installation for the induction of controlled respiration by chemical sensors (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
The method comprises inducing a "controlled respiration" to all types of compounds, substances and organic products. In its natural state or in all and in each of its phases of processing, drying, curing or manufacturing until its final consumption, both in solid and liquid state. Introducing the element to be treated in a sealed container or circuit. Monitoring and controlling, the pressure differential between the inside and outside, taking as reference the consumption of the initial oxygen supplied or the chemical compounds generated and/or both, allowing the treatment a superficial, sensory and gustatory improvement of the product. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)El procedimiento comprende inducir una ?respiración controlada? a todo tipo de compuestos, sustancias y productos orgánicos. En su estado natural o en todas y en cada una de sus fases de elaboración, secado, curado o manufacturado hasta su consumo final, tanto en estado sólido como líquido. Introduciéndose el elemento a tratar en un recipiente o circuito estanco. Monitorizando y controlando, el diferencial de presión entre el interior y el exterior, teniendo como referencia el consumo del oxígeno inicial aportado o los compuestos químicos generados y/o ambos, permitiendo el tratamiento una mejora superficial, sensorial y gustativa del producto.