The mats serve for shaping, greening and insulating, in particular with non-climbing plants, building surfaces as well as, in varied form with two visible sides, as room dividers for inside and outside. Strips of fabric (e.g. made of glass fibres) are coated, folded and sewn together above one another. The seams run vertically on the mounted mat, the folded strips (= channels) horizontally. The coating is watertight, weather-resistant and plant-neutral, if possible also fire-retardant, if required coloured. The coating leaves parts open in the lower region of the visible side(s) of the channels, for watering and aeration of the earth fillings and is at the same time a shaping means. Mounting takes place along the seams by e.g. nailing onto laths or hooking on if eyes are included in the mats. The mats can be distributed as flat sections or rolled, either in the direction of the channels or perpendicular thereto. <IMAGE>