This Chong is made As mono- Seed Inspection Measuring Gas Pads and is filled outside Gas capsules using more Number that Like state Gan Measuring Installed set Shop Let Yu Gas Pads, the rooms Gas are collectively formed with the 2nd Body Come of the first Body With Let has cooperation to fill the Wind mouths that Gas capsules Even connects on the first Body of And whats so that the Gas Pads Gas capsules Even that fill is led to the rooms what Gas, Gas amount Like states synchronization what Gas Pads that fills in the rooms the Let Gas portions Inner fills Gas capsulesSide has the first sense Measuring elements outside the rooms Gas again, and the portions Inner have the 2nd sense Measuring elements, wherein, the first tangible Change inductors of sense Measuring members part Let and acceleration Pass sensors using Like states and make the effect Like states of the Inter with person With Gas Pads beds with Prison Measuring Gas Pads, and the 2nd sense Measuring members part Let has the upper and lower Guide Electricity senses Should pieces of a Group, the Guide of the Inter of saturating Over Two Guide Electricity senses Should pieces leads to Off Department Indeed Recognize fill Gas capsules Inner fill Gas amounts whether abundance, can so promote Gas Pads and use upper safety.本創作為一種檢測氣墊床使用狀態的感測裝置,鋪設於氣墊床的多數充氣囊外部,具有第一片體與第二片體來共同形成一氣室,並於第一片體上設有配合充氣囊連接的風嘴,使氣墊床的充氣囊連通於氣室,讓氣室內部的充氣量狀態同步於氣墊床的充氣囊;又氣室外側具有第一感測元件,而內部具有第二感測元件,其中,第一感測元件設有形變感應器及加速度傳感器,用以監測氣墊床的使用狀態以及使用者與氣墊床之間的作用狀態,而第二感測元件設有一組上、下導電感應片,透過兩導電感應片之間的導通關係,確認充氣囊內的充氣量是否充足,如此即可提升氣墊床使用上的安全性。