A strawberry steamed dumpling includes an outer cover. The outer cover has a round bottom face. The strawberry steamed dumpling has a shape like a strawberry. The dumpling has a narrower bottom side and then extends gradually to a wrist portion and then it reduces inwards to a top end. The outline of the curved surface is similar to the surface of the strawberry, so it is aware to see that the shape of outer cover of the strawberry steamed dumpling is very similar to the shape of the strawberry. A stuffing stuffs inside the outer cover of the strawberry steamed dumpling. The outer cover of the strawberry steamed dumpling covers the stuffing to form the strawberry steamed dumpling. The advantage of this invention is using strawberry stuff to make noodle crust such that the noodle crust has special flavor of nature strawberry. According to the appearance, the strawberry steamed dumpling is very similar to the strawberry from the viewpoint of the customer and the color thereof is also closed to the strawberry’s color. It has the appearance and favor of strawberry both in shape or taste.一種草莓湯包,包含:一草莓湯包外皮層,該草莓湯包外皮層具有一近似圓形之底面,由該底面逐漸向上延伸成一曲面,該曲面之形狀為底部較窄然後逐漸變寬,並在一適當位置點漸漸內縮至頭部,該曲面之輪廓類似草莓外型之曲面,由外觀上可以察覺此草莓湯包外皮層之形狀非常近似草莓之形狀;以及一內餡位在該草莓湯包外皮層內部,該草莓湯包外皮層包覆該內餡形成草莓湯包。本案之優點在於,利用草莓原料來製作麵皮,讓麵皮具有天然草莓水果的獨特風味,而且在外觀形狀上,該草莓湯包讓消費者從外觀上一看就會覺得神似草莓的形狀,其顏色也非常近似草莓的顏色,因此無論是在外型及口感上都具有草莓的特徵與風味。10‧‧‧草莓湯包外皮層20‧‧‧內餡