There is provided a method of controlling an ophthalmicdevice having a first retinal image acquisition module operable to image animaging region of a retina and an illumination module operable toconcurrently illuminate an illumination region of the retina, the imagingregionand the illumination region having a predetermined positional relationshipto one another, the method comprises: controlling (S10) the first retinalimage acquisition module to acquire a reference retinal image by imaging areference imaging area of the retina; designating (S20) a target in thereference retinal image; controlling (S30) the first retinal image acquisitionmodule to acquire a current retinal image of an initial imaging regionwithin the reference imaging area; controlling (S40) the first retinal imageacquisition module to move its imaging region of the retina from the initialimaging region to a destination imaging region using the target and at leasta portion of the reference retinal image, and to acquire a retinal image ofthe destination imaging region; controlling (S50') the illumination moduleto illuminate the illumination region of the retina while the imaging regionof the first retinal image acquisition module is the destination imagingregion; controlling (S60') the first retinal image acquisition module toacquireone or more retinal images while the illumination module is illuminatingthe illumination region of the retina; and comparing (S70) a marker retinalimage based on the one or more retinal images with a comparison imagebased on at least a portion of the reference retinal image to determine amarker that is indicative of the position of the marker retinal image withinthe comparison image.