1. A method for ultrasonic measurement of the viscosity and elasticity of biological tissues in real time, which includes the reference scan plane, the plurality of sensing areas in the scanning plane, the radiation, at least one powerful focused ultrasonic wave beam in a direction which coincides with the sensing directions, further radiation along each of the directions of sensing periodic sequence of ultrasonic probing pulses, continuous reception in ultrasonic ln arising from reflections of each pulse, converting the reflected waves into electrical response signals, their amplification, sampling, evaluating by means of electrical response signals moving tissues in the measuring volume of a predetermined plurality of directions sensed by finding the comprehensive spectral components moving tissue velocity estimate propagation of shear waves in the they pass through the measuring predetermined volumes of the plurality of sensing lines, the calculation of shear modulus and shear viscosity imaging the spatial distribution of these parameters in real time, characterized in that the defined spectral components of the first time and spatial derivatives of displacements, which serve to calculate the velocity of propagation of shear waves and shear modulus considering the influence of the shear viscosity, which is also calculated by the first time and spatial derivatives .2. An apparatus for ultrasonic measurement of elasticity and viscosity of the biological tissue in real time, which comprises1. Способ ультразвукового измерения упругости и вязкости биологических тканей в реальном времени, который включает в себя задание плоскости сканирования, множества направлений зондирования в плоскости сканирования, излучение, по крайней мере, одного мощного сфокусированного ультразвукового пучка волн в направлении, которое совпадает с направлениями зондирования, дальнейшее излучение вдоль каждого из направлений зондирования периодической последовательности зондирующих ультразвуков