The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of scorched rice with black garlic. According to the present invention, a manufacturing method of scorched rice with black garlic comprises: a garlic washing step for washing raw garlic; a first aging step for bathing by heating a sealed container after putting the washed raw garlic in an elvan stone container; a second aging step for heating the elvan stone container at the temperature of 50-60°;C; a black garlic drying step for manufacturing black garlic by heating after taking the garlic out of the elvan stone container; a crushing step for manufacturing black garlic powder by crushing the black garlic; a rice washing step for washing rice after mixing the rice with water; a soaking step for making soaked rice having the moisture contents of 20-25% by soaking the washed rice in water; an ingredient mixing step for preparing mixed ingredients by mixing the black garlic powder, starch, corn powder, Polygonatum odoratum, and the soaked rice; an ingredient dispersing step for dispersing the mixed ingredients after distributing the same to a heated multiple lower heating plates; a heating step for making a semi-dried scorched rice with black garlic having the moisture contents of 7-10% by hot pressing the dispersed mixed ingredients; and a natural drying step for making a dried scorched rice with black garlic having the moisture contents less than or equal to 3% by natural drying the semi-dried scorched rice with black garlic.본 발명은 남녀노소 누구나 좋아하고 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 우리나라의 전통 간식거리인 누룽지와 영양성분이 높은 흑마늘을 이용하여, 흑마늘의 높은 영양성분과 누룽지 특유의 바삭한 식감, 구수한 맛과 향은 유지하며, 마늘 고유의 냄새와 매운맛은 제거한 흑마늘누룽지를 제조하고, 이러한 흑마늘누룽지를 대량 생산할 수 있는, 흑마늘누룽지 제조방법에 관한 것이다.이러한 본 발명에 따른 흑마늘누룽지 제조방법은, 생마늘을 세척하여 이물질을 제거하는 마늘세척단계와, 입구가 개방된 맥반석 용기에 세척된 생마늘을 담은 후 물이 수용된 밀폐용기에 맥반석 용기를 수납시키고, 맥반석 용기의 온도가 70℃ ~ 80℃가 되도록 밀폐용기를 가열하여 36시간 ~ 60시간 동안 중탕시키는 제1숙성단계와, 맥반석 용기를 밀폐용기에서 인출하여 입구를 밀폐하고, 50℃ ~ 60℃의 온도로 144시간 ~ 168시간 동안 맥반석 용기를 가열하는 제2숙성단계와, 제2숙성단계가 완료된 마늘을 맥반석 용기에서 인출한 후