The invention relates to an automatic plant meant for the coating of cereal grains, industrial plant or vegetable seeds of various sizes and regular or irregular shapes. According to the invention, the plant comprises a drum (1) of spherical cross-section wherein the seeds to be coated are introduced, the drum being driven by an electric gearmotor (M), by means of a shaft (2), the said gearmotor being fixed on a support (3) rotatable about an articulation on the fixed frame (4), within an oblong hole of a semi-circular support (5), a container (6) for the discharge of the coated seeds, having a number of tanks (R1...Rn) in which various substances are introduced, such as binders, insecto-fungicides, herbicides, fertilizers, biostimulators etc. , a water tank (RA), a homogenization tank (RO), an ultrasonic stirrer (AU), a peristaltic pump (P), a pressure regulator (RP) connected by a pipe (7) to an atomization nozzle (D), a generator (GAC) connected by a flexible tube (8) to a deflector (9), a control unit (BC) which acquires electric signal-type data concerning the mass of the seeds from a load cell (CS), concerning the seed humidity from a humidity sensor (SU), the seed temperature from a temperature sensor (ST), the rotary speed of the drum (1) from a rotary speed transducer (TT), the liquid level within the homogenization tank (RO) from a level sensor (SN), followed by data processing and by adjusting the concerned parameter.Invenţia se referă la o instalaţie automatizată, utilizată pentru drajarea seminţelor de cereale, plante tehnice, legume, şi altele asemenea, având dimensiuni diferite şi forme regulate sau neregulate. Instalaţia conform invenţiei este constituită dintr-un tambur (1) cu secţiune sferică, în care se introduc seminţele care urmează să fie drajate, tamburul fiind acţionat prin intermediul unui arbore (2) de un motoreductor (M) electric, fixat pe un suport (3), care se poate roti în jurul unei articulaţii de pe cadrul (4) fix într-o gaură alungit