Disclosed in this invention is a kind of degradable cross-linked hydrogel material made of gelatin and gelatinγ-poly glutamate salt, and the preparation method thereof. The material is cross-linked by oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) and its derivatives. The material is also further added with medicines and growth factor during/after preparation as a carrier. The final products are biocompatible and degradable, and are able to serve as wound dressings, implants or applied in tissue engineering.本發明揭示一種具可吸收性,由明膠與聚麩胺酸鹽類形成之複合水膠材料及其製備方法,經處理與原花青素及其多酚類衍生物交聯。本發明可在前述製程中或材料完成後添加,並可將藥物或生長因子附加上去。本交聯明膠與聚麩胺酸鹽材料具備生物相容性與生物可降解性,可用於植入人體或用於體表作為敷料、植入體內或應用於組織工程。