the object of the invention is apparatus for preparation of ice cream with a horizontal axis of the agitator and drive, carried out in two chamber cartridge for the preparation of two different flavors at the same time.apparatus for preparing ice cream made with a horizontal drive and two compartment after the invention of a container (1) in the form of a hemisphere attached stirrer (4) whose axis (3) is placed horizontally, and is integrated in the engine (5), while the container (1) in the middle predeljena with predelno with teno (2).Predmet izuma je aparat za pripravo sladoleda s horizontalno izvedenim pogonom v osi mešala in dvema komorama za pripravo dveh različnih okusov istočasno. Aparat za pripravo sladoleda s horizontalno izvedenim pogonom in dvema komorama po izumu ima v posodi (1) v obliki polkrogle nameščeno mešalo (4), katerega os (3) je postavljena vodoravno in ima integrirano nameščen pogonski motor (5), medtem ko je posoda (1) po sredini predeljena s predelno steno (2).