the object of the invention is the preparation and production of hot sauce, which is prepared from various natural ingredients and is used as a spice in culinary traditions. the invention eliminates many of the disadvantages of hot sauce, state of the art and has many characteristics that address the perceived problems and after taste and the edge (peko\u010dosti) adapted to a wider range of consumers in the eu and their kulinari\u010dnim natures.the invention provides a taste spicy sauce ratio of chili peppers (capsicum chinense), the priority of its own production, the trinidad scorpion butch t pepper. variety, variety captur early hybrid, which is derived from the kurtovske kapie and red peppers (capsicum annuum). spicy sauce ingredients are of natural origin, the proportion of chemical additives (preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavourings,...) is minimal, special spicy taste spicy sauce put chillies (hot chili peppers), which are grown under specific conditions (soil composition of the earth,...), and add the sauce after the invention.Predmet izuma je priprava in izdelava pekoče omake, ki se pripravlja iz različnih naravnih sestavin in se v kulinariki uporablja kot začimba. Pekoča omaka po izumu odpravlja številne slabosti stanja tehnike in ima številne lastnosti, ki rešujejo zaznane probleme in sicer je po okusu in ostrini ( pekočosti) prilagojena širšemu krogu potrošnikov v EU in njihovim kulinaričnim navadam. Okus pekoče omake po izumu daje določeno razmerje čilijev (Capiscum chinense), prednostno iz lastne pridelave, izhodiščna sorta je Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Pepper., sorta Captur, ki je zgodnji hibrid izpeljan iz Kurtovske kapie in rdeče paprike (Capsicum annuum). Sestavine pekoče omake so samo naravnega izvora, delež kemičnih dodatkov ( konzervansi, ojačevalci okusa, arome,...) je minimalen, poseben pekoči okus pekoči omako dajo čiliji (hot chili peppers), ki so gojeni v specifičnih pogojih ( seme, sestava zemlje,...) in jih dodajamo omaki po izumu.