1. CNS-active compound of the formula I:! formula I! ! where Ar is substituted or unsubstituted phenyl, substituted or unsubstituted naphthyl, substituted or unsubstituted tetrahydronaphthyl, substituted or unsubstituted indane or substituted or unsubstituted heterocyclic aryl; the number of Ar substituents can be up to 5, and each substituent is independently selected from the following groups: hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, halogen, alkoxyl, thioalkyl, sulfoxyalkyl, sulfonalkyl, alkylenedioxy, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, OH, CH2OH, CONH2, CN, acetoxyl, N (alkyl) 2, benzyl, benzyloxy, α, α-dimethylbenzyl, NO2, CHO, CH3CH (OH), acetyl, OCH2COOH and a substituted or unsubstituted aromatic system; ! said substituted or unsubstituted aromatic system may be selected from the following groups: phenyl, phenoxyl and heterocyclic aryl, in which up to 5 substituents may be present and each substituent independently selected from the following groups: hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, halogen, alkoxyl, thioalkyl, sulfoxyl , sulfonylalkyl, alkylenedioxy, haloalkyl, OH, CH2OH, CONH2, CN, acetoxyl, N (alkyl) 2, NO2, CHO, CH3CH (OH), acetyl and OCH2COOH; ! each of R1 and R2 is independently selected from the following groups: hydrogen, substituted or unsubstituted alkyl, substituted or unsubstituted cycloalkyl, and substituted or unsubstituted CW2 phenyl, where each W is independently selected from among the following groups: hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, provided that both W are not ethyl at the same time, and the number of substituents can be up to 5 in phenyl or cycloalkyl, and each substituent is independently selected from the following groups: halogen, alkoxyl, thioalkyl, sulfoxyalkyl, sulfonylalkyl, halogen1. ЦНС-активное соединение формулы I: ! формула I ! ! где Ar - это замещенный или незамещенный фенил, замещенный или незамещенный нафтил, замещенный или незамещенный тетрагидронафтил, замещенный или незамещенный индан или замещенный или незамещенный гетероциклический арил; число за