TO NATURAL POSTS The present invention refers to an improved process to protect posts of vegetal origin from the premature destruction caused by exposure to rough weather, insects, fungus, fire of pasture-grounds, agrochemicals, oxygen, excessive heat and cold, dampness, rain, hail, etc. The present will also protect plastic tubes for irrigation or for other uses where plastic tubes are exposed to sunrays and other destructive agents. The protection consists in applying to the natural surface of the post or tube a layer of damp mixture of minerals mortars of various millimeters of thickness, reinforced with non-biodegradable synthetic fibers. The fibers are applied by means of a tape which contain them and which wraps around the post over the coating of fresh mortars at all its length. The synthetic fiber tape is agglomerated with the same mixture of fresh mortar, creating a cover of a concrete-like compound that reinforced with the fiber, sets becoming a blindage with good mechanical resistance to impact and