FIELD: medicine. ^ SUBSTANCE: method involves checking consciousness, blood coagulation state, peripheral blood leukocytes number, K+ ions, bilirubin, fibrinogen, hemolysis and hemoglobinuria availability, prothrombin index and exotoxic shock development. Each value is calculated in points as follows. Lucidity is evaluated as -2 points; depression - +3 points; coma - +6 points; lack of changes in blood coagulation system - -2 points; coagulation availability without clinical injuries - +2 points; coagulopathy with clinical manifestation signs - +19 points; K+ ions concentration being less than 3.0 mmole/l - +3 points, from 3.1 to 3.5 mmole/l - -5 points, from 3.6 to 5.0 mmole/l - 0 points, greater than 5.0 points - +7 points, failure in determining K+ ions concentration - 0 points; hemolysis availability - +6 points, its lack - -3 points; hemoglobinuria availability - +8 points, its lack - -1 points; leukocytes number being less than 12.0x109/l - -2 points, from 12,1 to 18.0x109/l - 0 points, higher than 18.0