The present invention provides a method of producing skeletal muscle progenitor cells of pluripotent stem cells, using iPS cells. Step 1 to be differentiated into mesodermal cells in the PDGFRα-positive by culturing in the presence of ActivinA and the absence of serum, and pluripotent stem cells), as well as the method, and the absence of serum, and the mesodermal lineage cells comprising the step 2) to differentiate into skeletal muscle progenitor cells by culturing in the presence of Wnt signaling inducing agent. The present invention also relates to skeletal muscle progenitor cell-containing cell population obtained by the above method, as well as to provide an active ingredient, a skeleton muscle precursor cells, a therapeutic agent for muscle disease skeletal muscle regeneration-promoting agent, such as muscular dystrophy. None [Selection Figure]本発明は、多能性幹細胞、特にiPS細胞を用いた骨格筋前駆細胞の製造方法を提供する。当該方法は、多能性幹細胞を、無血清下、かつActivinAの存在下で培養してPDGFRα陽性の中胚葉系細胞に分化させる工程1)、並びに該中胚葉系細胞を、無血清下、かつWntシグナル誘導剤の存在下で培養して骨格筋前駆細胞に分化させる工程2)を含む。本発明はまた、前記方法により得られた骨格筋前駆細胞含有細胞集団、並びに該骨格筋前駆細胞を有効成分とする、骨格筋再生促進剤、筋ジストロフィーなどの筋疾患の治療剤を提供する。【選択図】なし