Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe nauchnoe uchrezhdenie "Vserossijskij nauchno-issledovatelskij institut gidrotekhniki i melioratsii im. A.N. Kostyakova" (FGBNU "VNIIGiM im. A.N. Kostyakova");FED
Puninskij Vitalij Stanislavovich (RU),Пунинский Виталий Станиславович (RU),Shevchenko Viktor Aleksandrovich (RU),Шевченко Виктор Александрович (RU)
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to biomelioration of agricultural lands. Method includes pre-project investigations involving use of geographic information system, obtained boundaries and types of degradation on soil patches when using a laser scanning system – lidar with geo-referencing and use of sonar in geophysical basin-free geophysical determination of depth of horizon transitions, development and transfer to the control processor of programs for switching on and off supply of process material to working elements of the combined unit. Addressing of lands with sowing on the stage is performed, and mixtures of seeds are placed between them with their closing, laying in the soil of a layer of organomineral fertilizer mixture or in the subsurface soil horizon of intermittent three-section tier organomineral water-regulating screen. One performs cutting of plant bumps, plant stems, shrubby soil, their pressing to soil surface with simultaneous cutting into sections with length of less than 0.15 m. Slots are cut in cover layer to depth of 0.08 m at zero soil tillage with application of dispersed ameliorant into slit and on interspaced surface of soil. Mineral NPK of fertilizers or herbicides, or phosphogypsum, is addressed in soil-deepening boundary horizon of soil with underlying soil and performing simultaneous subsequent peeling, mulching of soil and formation of water screen with thickness of 0.15–2.5 mm above zero till zone. After zero tillage with slitting, simultaneous longline volume tillage is performed with placing on its bottom of active intermittent three-section longline organomineral water-regulating screen, during preliminary milling of its components with size of up to 4–8 mm of organic component, up to 1.5–3.0 mm of mineral components, at its composition, vol%: 25–40 plant residues with nitrogen-fixing associated bacteria or growth accelerator, 10–33 manure, which has undergone preliminary accelerated aerobic fermentation, or top pea