The invention is a permeable cultivation bag, which is a bag with internal accommodation space, and is internally combined with a growth assistant. The growth assistant is an auxiliary agent such as pesticide, strain or fertilizer, which helps the growth of crops. After it is made into powder or granule, it is put into the bag, and the bag mouth is closed to complete the assembly of cultivation bag.When in use, the permeable cultivation bag is placed around the soil under the planted crops. After irrigation, because the bag is water permeable, the growth assistant inside the bag is partially dissolved into liquid by the water poured in, and then permeates out of the bag and flows into the soil below, so as to optimize the soil and enhance the effect of cultivated crops.Since the growth AIDS inside the bag of the cultivation bag are only partially dissolved, the remaining undissolved growth aids can be reused in the next irrigation, continuously providing the pesticides, strains or fertilizer nutrients needed for crop cultivation, reducing the steps and times of spraying pesticides or fertilizers when planting crops, which is quite progressive and practical and convenient.本創作係為一種滲透式之栽培包,其係為一具有內部容納空間之包袋,內部結合有生長輔助劑,該生長輔助劑係為農藥、菌種或肥料等幫助作物生長之輔助劑,將其製成粉末狀或顆粒狀後,置入包袋內,將袋口密合,即可完成栽培包之組裝。使用時,將該滲透式之栽培包放置於所種植的作物下方土壤周圍,當灌溉後,因該包袋係具透水性,藉由所灌入的水分,將包袋內部之生長輔助劑產生部分溶解變成液狀後,滲透出包袋外部,再流至下方土壤中,即可達到優化土壤,增進栽培作物之功效。且由於栽培包之包袋內部的生長輔助劑僅部分溶解,餘留未溶解之生長輔助劑部分,可於下次灌溉時可重複使用,持續提供作物栽培所需的農藥、菌種或肥料養分,減少種植作物時噴灑農藥或施肥之步驟及次數,為相當進步且實用便利者。