< Topic >The turtle which enters into the device to be difficult to escape offers the float island die turtle capture device whose capture efficiency is good.SolutionsIt regards installation possible float island die turtle capture device 11 when it floats in the water surface. This device 11, fishing net 12, float 14, induction board 21 of working, has climbing prevention board 41. Fishing net 12 has the aperture 13 on top. Float 14 is installed in fishing net 12. As for induction board 21, it is laid out above the edge in the aperture 13. Outside the aperture 13 making the turtle climb which stays induction board 21, into fishing net 12 inside the aperture 13 it induces falls. As for climbing prevention board 41, while in induction board 21, approaching to the left and right of edge side, it is laid out.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】装置内に入り込んだカメが逃げ出しにくく捕獲効率のよい浮島型カメ捕獲装置を提供する。【解決手段】水面に浮いた状態で設置可能な浮島型カメ捕獲装置11に関する。この装置11は、漁網12、フロート14、可動式の誘導板21、よじ登り防止板41を備える。漁網12は上部に開口13を有する。フロート14は漁網12に取り付けられる。誘導板21は、開口13における縁部の上側に配置される。誘導板21は、開口13の外側に居るカメを這い上がらせて開口13の内側に誘導し、漁網12内に落下させる。よじ登り防止板41は、誘導板21における内端側の左右に近接して配置される。【選択図】図1