1. This document is a process for the composition of endospores made of mineral clay and powder particles made of monohydrate calcium sulfate polymer, as well as the resulting ingredients for agriculture. This ingredient must go through the process of dry powder, fur, drying and screening to make it have the characteristics related to agricultural application. This coating and microparticle process protects microorganisms from adverse environmental conditions and makes them highly resistant to mechanical damage during processing,It also protects them from severe temperature changes, dehydration and / or death. It also prevents direct contact with microorganisms that contain fungicides that can be destroyed, as well as contamination by parasites or any harmful substances. In addition to the above advantages, in the process of agricultural application, a simple and practical product can be used alone or in combination with fertilizer; due to its particle size and hardness, it can produce a uniform mixture without degradation to dust, thus saving time.Labor and cost. This is a very effective and versatile product, requirement 1: a hairy grain made of ore spores and clay, used in agriculture, characterized by: (a) a mixture of endocrine fungal spores and sterile lemon juice, 15 to 30% by weight; and (b) a mixture of mineral clay. 58% to 75% by weight; (c) 10% to 12% by weight.La presente se refiere a un proceso para obtener una composición en forma de gránulos peletizados a base de esporas de hongos endomicorrízicos recubiertos con arcillas minerales y aglutinados con sulfato de calcio monohidratado, y la composición así obtenida para su uso en la agricultura. Dicha composición se sujeta a un proceso de mezclado en seco, peletización, secado y cribado, que le confiere propiedades relevantes para su aplicación en la agricultura. Este proceso de recubrimiento y granulación protege a los microorganismos de las condiciones ambientales adversas, además les confiere una gran