Produits pour les soins de la peau contenant des esters 6-O-PUFA ascorbiques pour la protection de la peau contre le lesions provoquées par les rayons UV.
Skin care products which contain as a vitamin C component 6-O-PUFA ascorbates represented by general formula (I): RCO-A (I) where RCO- is an acyl group derived from a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and A is a residue of ascorbic acid that binds by -O- derived from the hydroxyl group in ascorbic acid. The products show improved transfer of ascorbic acid to tissues or cells, allow the functions of ascorbic acid to be exhibited efficiently, and also have the potential to show the functions of PUFAs. Also provided are foods and beverages that contain 6-O-PUFA ascorbates represented by general formula (I).