Apply the tunneling magnetoresistive element as a sensor device for detecting a biomagnetic signal, to cancel out the external magnetic field of detection covered by a tunnel magneto-resistance elements. A magnetic sensor integrated body including a tunnel magneto-resistance element 10 for varying the current through the free magnetic layer from the fixed magnetic layer according to the angular difference between the direction of magnetization of the free magnetic layer and the magnetization direction of the pinned magnetic layer are combined multiple Meet, tunneling magneto-resistance of a plurality of elements are connected in series arrangement to match respectively the directions of magnetization of the free magnetic layer in the absence of applied magnetic fields and the direction of magnetization of the pinned magnetic layer, an integrated body, the plurality is composed of a capacitor connected in parallel to the tunneling magnetoresistive element, and a fixed resistor in series with the capacitor and the tunnel plurality of magnetoresistive elements of the plurality of integrated bodies of more than one of the fixed magnetic layer constructed are connected in series and / or parallel are arranged in opposite directions with a relative angle of more than 90 degrees to the direction of magnetization.生体磁気信号を検出するセンサデバイスとしてトンネル磁気抵抗素子を適用し、複数のトンネル磁気抵抗素子により検出対象外の外部磁界等を相殺する。固定磁性層の磁化の向きとフリー磁性層の磁化の向きとの角度差に従って固定磁性層からフリー磁性層に流れる電流を変化させるトンネル磁気抵抗素子10を含む集積体が複数組み合わされた磁気センサであって、集積体は、固定磁性層の磁化の向き及び磁場のかからない状態でのフリー磁性層の磁化の向きをそれぞれ一致させた配置で直列に接続された複数のトンネル磁気抵抗素子と、当該複数のトンネル磁気抵抗素子に並列に接続されたコンデンサと、当該複数の複数のトンネル磁気抵抗素子及びコンデンサに対して直列に接続された固定抵抗とから構成され、複数の集積体同士が固定磁性層の磁化の向きを90度を超える相対角をもって逆向きに配置されて直列及び/又は並列で接続されて構成される。