ВЕЧОРЕК Херфрид Карл (NL),Е Цзинхань (NL),ШАО Линсюн (NL),ХАССАН Ризван (NL)
1. Strapdown system (10) for nuclear imaging image region of interest of formation (ROI) (16), said system (10) comprising: one or more detectors (20) of radiation, the radiation generating data indicative of the location of gamma bombardment photons frame (18) positioning the detector (20) radiation with fixed viewing angles ROI (16), wherein the frame (18) formed of pivotally interconnected sub-frames (18) supporting the detectors (20) of radiation, at least one processor (40, 44) zaprogrammirova nny dlyapriema radiation data from the detector (20) radiation irekonstruktsii image ROI (16) based on the received radiation data, wherein the detectors (20) are made of radiation modular and movable between podramkami (18) .2. A system (10) according to Claim. 1, in which the shape of the frame (18) is adapted to reconfiguration to match the geometry of ROI (16) patsienta.3. A system (10) according to any one of claims. 1 and 2, wherein podramki (18) configured to match the geometry of ROI (16) by the patient before generating radiation data, wherein the configuring comprises adjusting positions of sub-frames (18) relative to each druga.4. A system (10) according to claim. 3, wherein configuring further includes the addition and / or deletion of sub-frames (18) .5. A system (10) according to any one of claims. 1 and 2, wherein the frame (18) includes a sensor (26) for determining the shape of the frame (22) and the viewing angle detectors (20) izlucheniya.6. A system (10) according to any one of claims. 1 and 2, wherein the frame (22) is configured to match the geometry of ROI (16), wherein said configuration is achieved by manually adjusting the transverse tie frame (22) and / or asset1. Бесплатформенная система (10) радионуклидной визуализации для формирования изображения области, представляющей интерес (ROI) (16), причем упомянутая система (10) содержит:один или более детекторов (20) излучения, генерирующих данные излучения, указывающие на местоположения бомбардирово