ВЕМБАР Мани (NL),АЙВЕНК Томас Бернард (NL),ВИРМАНИ Санни (NL)
1. A system (100) comprising: a computer tomographic scanner ipult (120) which controls the scanner based on a scan protocol, wherein the control dynamically change the sampling rate of the scanner registration data during perfusion scan with enhanced contrast based on the contrast level of the data images generated during skanirovaniya.2. The system of claim 1, further comprising: means (126) of the data evaluation, which determines whether the contrast value reflecting the image data in substantially the absence of contrast, contrast accumulation or leaching kontrasta.3. The system of claim 2, wherein the remote control controls the scanner to receive data from the first data recording sampling frequency in response to determining data judgment means that the level of contrast in the image data reflects the lack kontrasta.4. A system according to claim 3, wherein the remote control controls the scanner to receive data from the second data recording sampling frequency in response to determining means of assessing the data that the level of contrast in the image data reflects the accumulation of contrast, and the second sampling rate registration data is larger than first sampling frequency dannyh.5 registration. The system of claim 4, wherein the remote control controls the scanner to receive data from the third data recording sampling frequency in response to determining data judgment means that the level of contrast in the image data reflects washout of contrast, the third sampling data recording frequency is one of equal to or lower frequency than the second frequency1. Система (100), которая содержит:компьютерный томографический сканер ипульт (120), который управляет сканером, основываясь на протоколе сканирования, причем пульт динамически изменяет частоту дискретизации регистрации данных сканера во время сканирования перфузии с увеличенным контрастом, основываясь на уровне контраста в данных изображения, генерируемых во время сканирования.2. Система по п.1, ко