The invention provides a wearable hand rehabilitation device equipped on the back of users’ palm. The wearable hand rehabilitation device could help the users to do their hand or finger rehabilitation. The wearable hand rehabilitation device includes: thumb mechanism 、 finger mechanism and little finger mechanism. These mechanisms could make the fingers of users bending or forward. And the wearable hand rehabilitation device could reduce the physical damage of the users during the period of using the device.本發明提供一種穿戴式手指復健裝置,可以穿戴式的配置於使用者之手掌上,以協助使用者復健手指。穿戴式手指復健裝置主要包含有:拇指機構、手指機構與小指機構,藉由上述元件彼此間相互作動後,能帶動使用者拇指、手指與小指彎曲與伸直,且能讓使用者於使用此手掌指復健裝置時,可以降低使用者物理性傷害。