An electric finger pressure device includes a holding body; a first sensing component is disposed on the holding body for detecting a first force applying value and generating a first force detecting signal; and the driving component is disposed on the holding body The first sensing element is electrically connected to generate a corresponding driving action according to the first applied force value; and the finger pressing body is disposed on the driving element to be displaced away from or close to the holding body by the driving element. The user presses the first sensing element with the inner side of the finger to force the finger pressing body to protrude outward, and the outward protruding force can be controlled by the user. Thereby, the user can use the finger pressure bar instead of the finger to perform finger pressure, thereby reducing the damage caused by long-term finger pressure.一種電動式指壓器包含握持本體;第一感測元件設於握持本體上用以偵測第一施力值並產生第一施力偵測訊號;驅動元件設於握持本體上且電性連接第一感測元件以依據第一施力值產生對應之驅動動作;以及指壓桿體設於驅動元件上,以藉由驅動元件而朝向遠離或接近握持本體之方向位移。使用者利用手指頭內側施力按壓第一感測元件,可讓指壓桿體向外凸出,且此向外凸出的力量可由使用者控制。藉此,使用者可使用指壓桿體替代手指頭進行指壓,減少長期徒手指壓所帶來的傷害。