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[会议论文 ] Multi-variant Analysis of Climatic Conditions and Soil Rainfall with Best Crop Prediction 进入全文


Agriculture is an important job in the development of the nation’s economy. The climate along with other natural variations has to turn out to be a significant risk in the agricultural field. Machine Learning technology can be used for determining the best crop suitable for the climatic condition, soil condition from the data set for addressing this issue. Crop Yield Prediction includes anticipating the yield of the crop from accessible verifiable information like climate parameter, soil parameter, and notable yield. Such huge numbers of individuals are doing fertile agriculture by developing the yield on ill-advised soil. To actualize the application to recognize the sorts of oil, water wellspring of that land whether that land depends on downpour or bore water. Furthermore, recommend what of the crop is reasonable for that dirt. So, through this application to the individual to think about agriculture. It tends to be improved by the utilization of many mechanical assets, device, and methods. Find the kind of crop that is appropriate for that specific soil.

[会议论文 ] A Bayesian Deep Image Prior Downscaling Approach for High-resolution Soil Moisture Estimation 进入全文


Soil moisture (SM) estimation is a critical part of environmental and agricultural monitoring, with satellite-based microwave remote sensing being the main SM source. However, the limited spatial resolution of most current remote sensing SM products reduces their utility for many applications such as evapotranspiration modeling and agriculture management. To address this issue, we propose a Bayesian deep image prior (BDIP) downscaling approach to estimate the high-resolution SM from satellite products. More specifically, the high-resolution soil moisture estimation problem is formulated as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem, and solved via a neural network comprising of a deep fully convolutional neural network (FCNN) for modeling the prior spatial correlation distribution of the underlying high-resolution SM variables, and a forward model characterizing the SM map degeneration process for modeling the data likelihood. As such, the proposed BDIP approach provides a statistical framework that integrates deep learning with forward modelling in a coherent manner for combining different sources of information, i.e., the knowledge in the forward model, the spatial correlation prior in FCNN architecture, and the remote sensing data and products. Experiments on the downscaling of Soil Moisture Active Passive SM products using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer products show that SM maps estimated using the proposed method provide greater spatial detail information than other downscaling methods, with the SM estimates very close to in-situ measurements.

[学术文献 ] 植物无土栽培技术研究进展 进入全文


  为了解植物无土栽培技术的发展,以“无土栽培”、“基质栽培”、“雾培”和“水培”为关键词,依据Web of Science、Pub-Med和知网等数据库,检索了1989—2021年发表的相关文献,对无土栽培发展历程、主要技术以及未来趋势进行了总结和分析。结果表明:1)无土栽培包括水培、雾培、基质栽培等,其中成本低、操作简单的基质栽培是主要方式,而操作、成本均更高的雾培和水培在高效植物栽培工厂建设上潜力巨大;2)探索高效、节水、可持续有机种植技术,融合人工智能和物联网技术,发展适配常规环境和恶劣环境的智慧农业是发展趋势之一;3)针对室内及楼宇空间等个体化种植需求,发展小型化、家庭化、精致化、智能化无土栽培技术是发展趋势之二;4)密闭空间种植和太空种植技术的研究也将受到更多关注。

[会议论文 ] An Optimized Gaussian Extreme Learning Machine (GELM) for Predicting the Crop Yield using Soil Factors 进入全文


Indian agriculture is extremely important and plays a predominant role in economy and employment. The agriculture has seen a significant technological transition because of data collection, environmental factors, crop selection, soil nutrients, pesticides and plant disease for making better farming decisions. This revolution in agriculture is addressed by using emerging technologies. Early detection and management of crop yield indicator problems can help to increase the yield and subsequent profit. Machine learning is an emerging technology used in agricultural research for yield prediction. To produce accurate results, a simplest and very fast optimized learning algorithm called GELM (Gaussian Extreme Learning Machine) classifier with different kinds of activation functions are used. For the soil dataset, the classifier is trained using 50 hidden neurons with different activation functions. The performance analysis of the system shows that gaussian extreme learning achieves an accuracy of 97% compared to other algorithms. This analysis helps in interpretation of results in efficient manner for any regional soil data.

[前沿资讯 ] 内蒙古五原县:加强耕地健康监测 守住农民“田饭碗” 进入全文



[前沿资讯 ] 新疆麦盖提县:立足高标准农田打造“节水丰产”新样板 进入全文




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