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[前沿资讯 ] 当好维护国家粮食安全“压舱石” 争当农业现代化建设排头兵 进入全文



[会议论文 ] Automated Irrigation Management System using IoT 进入全文


Agriculture spread to a great extent in the Indian economy above 60%, as the population is increasing, which also increases the need for modern technology for the increased production of crops. The Stereotyped methods of irrigation like sprinkler and inflow types are not much effective. As they out-turn in water loss and fungus-related issues because of overwatering. In the future, there may be a situation of demanding more water resources for agriculture. These circumstances can be avoided by using an Automated Irrigation System using IoT. IoT is a highly emerging technology that lets objects communicate through Internet, IoT has been used in a large set of applications like traffic management, smart cities, etc. The major application of IoT is a smart irrigation system, through this smart irrigation there is an advantage of the increase in crop production and decreased use of fertilizers. Using this smart irrigation, the condition of soil like humidity and moisture can be determined by fixing different sensors and these aspects increase the crop and this precise agriculture benefits the farmer. The data from the sensors is wirelessly transmitted to the server database. When the field's moisture and temperature are reduced, the irrigation will be automated. Periodically, the farmer receives information about the field's status by mobile.

[会议论文 ] Soil NPK Prediction Using Multiple Linear Regression 进入全文


—Soil nutrients are the important parameter which contributes a major role in healthy plant growth. In soil, the presence of three macro nutrients namely Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) are essential for proper crop growth. Without having adequate knowledge about nutrient levels present in soil, farmers apply large quantity of fertilizers in their field. This leads to depletion or enhancement of nutrient content in the soil and it degrades the soil fertility. Laboratory soil test is time consuming and it involves addition of many chemical reagents. Hence in this paper, the soil macronutrients are predicted using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique. It is a statistical method where several independent or explanatory variables are used to predict the dependent or response variable. MLR technique is formulated to determine a mathematical relationship among several parameters. It shows the relationship between dependent and independent variables. In this technique, soil parameters like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH and electrical conductivity are used to sketch the relationship among these parameters and predict the values of NPK. The predicted NPK data shows an accuracy of approximately 80% when compared with the actual dataset. These results improve the decision-making capabilities of farmers in applying right quantity of fertilizers and increase crop production.

[学术文献 ] 不同改良材料对苏打盐碱化耕地甜菜叶片光合特性、干物质积累和分配的影响 进入全文



[会议论文 ] Smart Hydroponic System Using Fuzzy Logic control 进入全文


Hydroponic plant plays a critical role in the agriculture field, which is put forward as a solution to combat climate change. The paper aims to provide automatic monitoring and controlling of hydroponic plants in the greenhouse via smartphones in real-time, to reduce the problems that appear in the greenhouse system and help the farmers in the agriculture process as they still do it manually. The paper will use the nutrient film technique (NFT), the nutrient solution is diluted with the water until getting the concentration for the cultivated plant, and then the excess solution is returned to the tank and watered the plant again. The proposed model will do activities such as measuring the temperature, humidity, and water level in the plant. The system design is based on fuzzy logic, the main objective of using fuzzy logic is to develop automated precise control of the fan and water pump. The proposed model hardware is an Arduino microcontroller, DHT11 sensor, PH sensor, LDR, esp8266 Wi-Fi module, MQ135, water level, fan with 5V, micro-DC water pump, and buzzer. The back end’s main functions are to control actuators, provide real-time notifications of the sensor values, and user authentication. The test result of the proposed model is displaying the status of the plant and doing an action, such as controlling fan levels, water pump, and determining the amount of PH needed for the plant. The paper will be organized as the following: first, the background, then related work that is based on the same idea, a proposed model that includes hardware, backend, user interface, and the fuzzy logic system, the paper will end with results of practical work and the conclusion of the paper.

[会议论文 ] An Optimized Soil Moisture Prediction Model for Smart Agriculture Using Gaussian Process Regression 进入全文


An accurate soil moisture model is critical in the design and implementation of a smart agriculture system. Accurate soil moisture prediction allows an efficient water resources allocation. This paper presented a soil moisture model using different environmental parameters such as humidity, temperature, light intensity, and rain occurrence as inputs or predictor variables. Gaussian process regression algorithm, a non-parametric machine learning algorithm, was used to develop the model. The most effective kernel function was also determined by developing four different GPR models using a different kernel function. In terms of RMSE, the rational quadratic function obtained the lowest value. To further improve the accuracy of the GPR model, an automated hyperparameter tuning was done using a Bayesian optimization algorithm. Three hyperparameters were tuned using the Bayesian optimization algorithm, which improved the GPR model's performance. The optimized GPR model achieved the lowest RMSE and MAE of 3.596 and 1.176, respectively.


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