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[会议论文 ] Construction of Disaster Knowledge Graphs to Enhance Disaster Resilience 进入全文

2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

As a result of the recent surge in disaster-related data, numerous studies have been conducted to deal with the massive amount of data. In the meantime, the issue of managing data in various formats and representing their relevance is being raised. In this paper, we present a disaster knowledge graph to analyze the impact of a disaster and predict how much effort it will take to recover from the disaster. To that end, we define the structure of a disaster knowledge graph containing data collected from sensors, social networks, web, and risk analysis results. To extract meaningful information from structured and unstructured data, we use a risk analysis platform that can compute hazard values in accordance with various hazard models. Then, we store automatically graphs into a graph database as a form of a time-series data. Therefore, it will be possible to predict the progress of a complex disaster that can occur in a chain using a series of disaster knowledge graphs.

[学术文献 ] An event-oriented database of meteorological droughts in Europe based on spatio-temporal clustering 进入全文

Scientific Reports

Droughts evolve in space and time without following borders or pre-determined temporal constraints. Here, we present a new database of drought events built with a three-dimensional density-based clustering algorithm. The chosen approach is able to identify and characterize the spatio-temporal evolution of drought events, and it was tuned with a supervised approach against a set of past global droughts characterized independently by multiple drought experts. About 200 events were detected over Europein the period 1981-2020 using SPI-3 (3-month cumulated Standardized Precipitation Index) maps derived from the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts) 5th generation reanalysis (ERA5) precipitation. The largest European meteorological droughts during this period occurred in 1996, 2003, 2002 and 2018. A general agreement between the major events identified by the algorithm and drought impact records was found, as well as with previous datasets based on pre-defined regions.

[前沿资讯 ] NASA Engages U.S. Farmers: Bringing Satellite Data Down to Earth 进入全文


Since the launch of the first Landsat satellite in 1972, NASA and its partners have mapped agriculture worldwide and provided key input into global supply outlooks that bolster the economy and food security.  Now NASA is increasing its decades-long investment in U.S. agriculture through the launch of NASA Acres, a new consortium that will unite physical, social, and economic scientists with leaders in agriculture from public and private sectors. They will have the shared mission of bringing NASA data, science, and tools down-to-Earth for the benefit of the many people working to feed the nation.“For decades, NASA has collected data in space to improve life on planet Earth,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Now these observations can be used not only to better understand our home, but to make climate data more understandable, accessible, and usable to help support agricultural business and benefit all humanity."  

[专业会议 ] WSIS Action Line C7: E-Agriculture "DIGITAL IN ACTION - Agrifood Systems Transformation for SDGs Achievement" 进入全文


“数字技术”已经在许多领域发挥作用,包括改善农民获取信息和开拓市场的途径、新的创新金融服务、食品可追溯性、数字化电子凭证和基于现金的转移计划,以及地理空间和大数据的利用为农民和其他利益相关者提供新技术。最新的负面预测表明仍有超过 6.7 亿人2030 年面临饥饿。 在这种充满挑战的背景下,距离实现 2030 年议程目标只有 7 年的时间,数字化、创新和农业数据的使用以及人工智能在支持循证政策、规划和实施以提高农业效率方面发挥着至关重要的作用。粮农组织长期参与信息社会世界峰会( WSIS) 论坛是实现这一愿景和通过更好地利用信息通信技术促进发展实现农产品转型的关键要素和机制。多年来,根据联合国大会第 70/125 号决议,粮农组织一直是信息社会世界峰会的成员之一,在促进 WSIS C7 行动方面起到了关键作用,行动内容包括:电子农业、提供信息交流、知识创造和最佳实践分享的机会,并将相关利益攸关方聚集在一起,包括政府代表、其他机构和国际组织、学术界、私营部门和民间社会一起具体合作,扩大有前途的技术创新。  一年一度的信息社会世界峰会论坛是一个全球多方利益相关者相聚的平台,旨在促进实施 WSIS 行动以推进可持续发展,由国际电联、教科文组织、开发计划署和贸发会议组织,与所有 WSIS 行动方面共同/促进者密切合作,其他联合国组织,同时确定新兴趋势和促进伙伴关系,同时考虑到不断发展的信息和知识社会。  2023 年的 WSIS 论坛计划于 2023 年 3 月 13 日至 17 日在日内瓦国际电联总部举行,支持远程参与。虚拟研讨会将在四月和五月继续进行。2023 年 WSIS 论坛的主题是“更好的重建并加速实现可持续发展目标的 WSIS 行动”。 此次活动旨在针对“数字在行动中”的关键议题-农业食品系统的转型展开讨论,通过数字化的具体解决方案和实例作为实现可持续发展目标的加速器,包括粮农组织数字村倡议和“手拉手”倡议及其支持工具地理空间平台。特别会议旨在创造协同效应,创造一个有利于农产品系统包容和可持续数字化的环境(例如,政策、法规、基础设施、组织和社会文化变革),并在 COVID-19 大流行之后将农业食品的转型工作开展的更好。

[前沿资讯 ] Wheeled robot measures leaf angles to help breed better corn plants 进入全文


Researchers from North Carolina State University and Iowa State University have demonstrated an automated technology capable of accurately measuring the angle of leaves on corn plants in the field. This technology makes data collection on leaf angles significantly more efficient than conventional techniques, providing plant breeders with useful data more quickly. “The angle of a plant’s leaves, relative to its stem, is important because the leaf angle affects how efficient the plant is at performing photosynthesis,” says Lirong Xiang, first author of a paper on the work and an assistant professor of biological and agricultural engineering at NC State. “For example, in corn, you want leaves at the top that are relatively vertical, but leaves further down the stalk that are more horizontal. This allows the plant to harvest more sunlight. Researchers who focus on plant breeding monitor this sort of plant architecture, because it informs their work.

[学术文献 ] Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Their Linkages with Sustainable Development over the Past 30 Years: A Review 进入全文

International Journal of Disaster Risk Science

The severe damage and impacts caused by extreme events in a changing climate will not only make the sustainable development goals difficult to achieve, but also erode the hard-won development gains of the past. This article reviews the major impacts and challenges of disaster and climate change risks on sustainable development, and summarizes the courses and linkages of disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA), and sustainable development over the past 30 years. Our findings show that the conceptual development of DRR actions has gone through three general phases: disaster management in the 1990s, risk management in the 2000s, and resilient management and development in the 2010s. Gradually, CCA has been widely implemented to overcome the adverse effects of climate change. A framework is proposed for tackling climate change and disaster risks in the context of resilient, sustainable development, indicating that CCA is not a subset of DRR while they have similarities and differences in their scope and emphasis. It is crucial to transform governance mechanisms at different levels, so as to integrate CCA and DRR to reduce disaster and climate change risks, and achieve safe growth and a resilient future in the era of the Anthropocene.



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