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[学术文献 ] 黑龙江省耕地非农化的空间格局演变特征研究 进入全文



[学术文献 ] “蒙古国生态安全构想”与中蒙生态安全合作 进入全文



[学术文献 ] Ecosystem Services’ Assessment of the Desertification Areas of Mongolia 进入全文

Earth Systems and Environment

Generally, areas affected by natural desertification remain virtually untouched by economic activities. However, they can provide numerous ecosystem services (ES) with significant societal benefits. This is especially important for Mongolia, where desertification processes have intensified considerably over the years. This article presents the results of an integrated spatial environmental and economic assessment and mapping of ES for various types of natural resources. We conducted the assessments in the model areas of Mongolia (Bulgan, Orkhon, Darkhan-Uul, Dundgovi, and Umnugovi aimags). To value the eight types of ES, we used the following methods: market price-based evaluation, indirect valuation methods (sociological surveys), a travel cost method, InVEST software, and others. Official statistical data and field survey data were used in calculations. According to our results, the areas, affected by desertification are significant in terms of ES they could provide. We estimated the total economic value of the ES of the model areas of Mongolia at 1885 million USD in 2019. Further research will entail improved methodological approaches.

[学术文献 ] A framework for multi-sensor satellite data to evaluate crop production losses: the case study of 2022 Pakistan floods 进入全文

Scientific Reports

In August 2022, one of the most severe floods in the history of Pakistan was triggered due to the exceptionally high monsoon rainfall. It has affected ~ 33 million people across the country. The agricultural losses in the most productive Indus plains aggravated the risk of food insecurity in the country. As part of the loss and damage (L&D) assessment methodologies, we developed an approach for evaluating crop-specific post-disaster production losses based on multi-sensor satellite data. An integrated assessment was performed using various indicators derived from pre- and post-flood images of Sentinel-1 (flood extent mapping), Sentinel-2 (crop cover), and GPM (rainfall intensity measurements) to evaluate crop-specific losses. The results showed that 2.5 million ha (18% of Sindh’s total area) was inundated out of which 1.1 million ha was cropland. The remainder of crop damage came from the extreme rainfall downpour, flash floods and management deficiencies. Thus approximately 57% (2.8 million ha) of the cropland was affected out of the 4.9 million ha of agricultural area in Sindh. The analysis indicated expected production losses of 88% (3.1 million bales), 80% (1.8 million tons), and 61% (10.5 million tons) for cotton, rice, and sugarcane. This assessment provided useful tools to evaluate the L&D of agricultural production and to develop evidence-based policies enabling post-flood recovery, rehabilitation of people and restoration of livelihood.

[前沿资讯 ] InnerPlant and Satellogic to launch first-ever device for detecting human-made crop signals from space 进入全文


InnerPlant, the company creating a new category of seed technology that unlocks data and makes global farming more efficient and sustainable, and Satellogic Inc. (NASDAQ: SATL), a leader in sub-meter resolution Earth Observation (“EO”) data collection, today announced a collaboration to launch a first-of-its-kind device designed to detect human-engineered crop signals from space. The announcement was made on the opening day of the World AgriTech Innovation Summit.  The specially designed imaging instrument is scheduled to be mounted to a Satellogic satellite and is intended to detect optical signals emitted by crops engineered by InnerPlant to fluoresce in response to stress such as an attack from pathogens or a lack of water or nutrients.  Drone-based aerial testing is expected to start in the next few months with the launch of the instrument aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket anticipated in Q4 2023. The successful deployment of the satellite would mark the first time in history that a signal from a human-engineered organism is detected from orbit. 

[学术文献 ] Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future 进入全文

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

Water is a critical resource, but ensuring its availability faces challenges from climate extremes and human intervention. In this Review, we evaluate the current and historical evolution of water resources, considering surface water and groundwater as a single, interconnected resource. Total water storage trends have varied across regions over the past century. Satellite data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) show declining, stable and rising trends in total water storage over the past two decades in various regions globally. Groundwater monitoring provides longer-term context over the past century, showing rising water storage in northwest India, central Pakistan and the northwest United States, and declining water storage in the US High Plains and Central Valley. Climate variability causes some changes in water storage, but human intervention, particularly irrigation, is a major driver. Water-resource resilience can be increased by diversifying management strategies. These approaches include green solutions, such as forest and wetland preservation, and grey solutions, such as increasing supplies (desalination, wastewater reuse), enhancing storage in surface reservoirs and depleted aquifers, and transporting water. A diverse portfolio of these solutions, in tandem with managing groundwater and surface water as a single resource, can address human and ecosystem needs while building a resilient water system.


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