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Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
- 英文名称:
- Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
- 作者:
- Mary Ahearn; Doris Newton
- 工作单位:
- USDA's Economic Research Service
- 关键词:
- Agricultural statistics; Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS); beginning farmers; ranchers; Census of Agriculture; farm assets; Food; Conservation; and Energy Act of 2008; Conservation Reserve Program; operator characteristics;
- 年份:
- 2009
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 总页数:
- 32 pp
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- USDA defines beginning farmers and ranchers as those who have operated a farm or ranch for 10 years or less either as a sole operator or with others who have operated a farm or ranch for 10 years or less. Beginning farmers tend to be younger than established farmers and to operate smaller farms or ranches, some of which may provide no annual production. Beginning farmers often face obstacles getting started, including high startup costs and limited availability of land. USDA-through the Farm Service Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service-provides loans and conservation assistance to beginning farmers and ranchers. This report draws on data from annual surveys and the Census of Agriculture to provide policymakers with a better understanding of beginning farmers and ranchers, including how they contribute to U.S. agricultural production.
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