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India: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual
- 英文名称:
- India: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual
- 工作单位:
- Office of Agricultural Affairs, New Delhi
- 关键词:
- Cotton; Fruits and Vegetables; Livestock and Meats; Oilseeds; Soybeans; Other Oilseeds; New Technologies; Cotton; Fruits and Vegetables; Livestock and Meats; Oilseeds; Soybeans; Other Oilseeds; South and Central Asia; India;
- 年份:
- 2020
- 语种:
- English
- 摘要:
- Over the last decade, India’s political environment continues to thwart the development of agricultural biotechnology. The Government of India (GOI) remains undecided on the approval of genetically engineered (GE) crop (eggplant and mustard) events, which have been cleared by the regulatory authorities for environmental release a few years back. Bt cotton remains the only biotech crop (five events) approved for commercial cultivation. Soy and canola oils derived from select GE soy and canola events are the only products derived from GE crops, animals or their by-products approved for import. Indian animal biotech research and development is at a nascent stage, except for some success in research on cloning of buffaloes.
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