The present invention provides a functional antibacterial water bottle: making simultaneous contact with a pure silver plate and a permanent magnet in the air on the surface of water or underwater through a pure silver plate and a permanent magnet contained inside the water bottle when drinking water with a water bottle or when carrying around the water bottle, thereby enabling water to be safely protected from bacterial propagation or pollution through a strong sterilization action of a trace amount of silver ions (Ag+) generated in a pure silver plate and magnetism generated at a permanent magnet, enabling functional water useful to the human body to be made through various functional materials such as tourmaline or magnesium contained inside the water bottle, and thus functional water can be drunk without concern for bacteria even if the water is stored for a long time, and enabling functional water with no bacteria and useful to the human body to be made so as to be drunk, when traveling abroad, during war, during an accident, and during an emergency, in the mountains and the fields without concern for bacteria providing the convenience of universal portability since the water bottle is manufactured in a small size and naturally advertising and publicizing a business entity and the like, while carrying around the water bottle, through an advertisement phrase in the column inside the water bottle.La présente invention concerne une bouteille deau antibactérienne et fonctionnelle qui est caractérisée par : la mise en contact simultanée avec une plaque dargent pur et un aimant permanent dans lair sur la surface de leau ou sous leau à laide dune plaque dargent pur et dun aimant permanent contenus à lintérieur de la bouteille deau lorsque lon boit de leau avec une bouteille deau ou lors du port de la bouteille deau, permettant ainsi à leau dêtre protégée de manière sûre contre une propagation ou une pollution bactérienne grâce à une forte action de stérilisation dune