The invention relates to the subjects of funeral accessories, and can be used as a part of a set of funeral accessories, as well as individually, as the outer skin of the coffin, which is the case. Sheathing coffin external (cover), FIG. 2 comprises a casing body and casing cover, each of which includes a bottom "and" side and "b" parts. Bottom "a" side and "b" side cladding body and the lid are connected with each other on both longitudinal sides of the latex thread reinforced polyamide. The geometry of the shapes of the bottom "and" side and "b" parts of the skin and their dimensions are identical to each other. Side portion "b" cladding body and the lid are made in the form of a series of closed draped stachnyh longitudinal lanes 1 with 2 to stitch the top and bottom extreme strips 1. In the bottom part of "a" cladding body and the lid formed by the ends of the transverse U-shaped slits 3 arranged symmetrically to each other. Due U-shaped slits 3, the ends of bottom cladding constitute valves 4. Stretching the skin (due to the presence of latex stitching thread), it as cover, put (pull) the corresponding coffin part (housing or cover). Thus longitudinal slots formed on the end portion of the lid closing valves 4 which is fixed on the cover by fasteners, e.g., staples and patch camouflage elements, for example in the form of flowers. The technical result consists in the possibility of applying plating (as sheath) under different coffin length within the corresponding wavelength range.Полезная модель относится к предметам похоронных принадлежностей и может применяться как в составе комплекта похоронных принадлежностей, так и индивидуально, как внешняя обшивка гроба, представляющая собой чехол. Обшивка гроба внешняя (чехол), фиг. 2 содержит обшивку корпуса и обшивку крышки, каждая из которых включает донную «а» и боковую «б» части. Донная «а» и боковая «б» части обшивок корпуса и крышки соединены друг с другом с двух продольных сторон нитью латексной, армированной п