Абросимов Владимир Николаевич (RU),Кузнецов Вадим Иванович (RU),Глотов Сергей Иванович (RU),Котляров Станислав Николаевич (RU)
The invention relates to medical equipment, electronic stethoscope portable self-powered, designed to enhance the sounds on auscultation of the internal organs and listening microvibrations with protection from external acoustic and electromagnetic interference, including in transport, or in the field.Technical result: the creation of an electronic stethoscope (EF) simple portable autonomous structure adapted to be detachably connected to the electronic devices for listening to, recording, transmission of weak audio signals from the surface of biological and technical objects in the presence of strong external electromagnetic and acoustic interference.Electronic stethoscope (EF) comprises a body 1 made of metal with the lower, middle and upper compartments battery compartment. Middle housing compartment 1 is adapted to accommodate therein an electrical connector 3 for connecting an external equipment (mobile phone, computer, headphones, etc.), the power switch 4 and an amplifier 5 of electronic components on the circuit board 6. The lower compartment of the housing 1 for fixing the membrane 7 is rigidly fixed thereto sensor element 8 formed piezoelectric. Circuit board 6 is installed as a separator for the lower and middle sections of the body 1 with the ability of shielding the sensor element 8 and has at the perimeter of the back surface thereof mechanical and electrical connection to the membrane 7. The compartments - "clean" areas in the body 1 for placing stethoscope functional units allows increase fonendoskpav reliability, reduce repair time and allow low time improve its capacityПолезная модель относится к медицинской технике, к электронным портативным фонендоскопам с автономным питанием, предназначенным для усиления звуковых сигналов при аускультации внутренних органов и прослушивания микровибраций с защитой от внешних акустических и электромагнитных помех, в том числе в транспорте или в полевых условиях.Технический результат: создание электронного фонендос